Children are naturally creative, imaginative and playful.

We call them Playful Designers

In 2023, we’re launching Playful Designers in 20 cities and towns across Ireland.

This program is for children on the autism spectrum and with neurodiverse backgrounds or related social and communication difficulties.

Our Playful Designers will solve local entrepreneurs' challenges as the program aims to foster an entrepreneurial spirit within the kids.

Our Playful Designers will solve these challenges using the Lego Serious Play method, systems thinking and service design.

We’ve playfully mixed these “innovation methods” together as we all know kids like to break things apart and recombine them in novel ways, or as James Carse says…

Finite players play within boundaries; infinite players play with boundaries.
— from the book 'Finite & Infinite Games'

The Playful Designers program was created by senior educators, a Psychologist, two Play Therapists, two Service Designers, a User Experience Designer…and a partridge in a pear tree :)

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Ronan meets his hero Kathy Lambkin!

Kathy facilitated an event that brought children with neurodiverse backgrounds and their families together

The Lego Lady!

The team at How Might We wanted to ensure this program was also designed by people on the autism spectrum for people on the autism spectrum.

Kathy and her team will continue to co-create and deliver the program in Ireland, as this is their area of expertise.

Kathy founded in 2013 and is also the founder of

Free Play

Kathy and her amazing team have full access to the program for free, forever.

How Might We are proud members of Pledge 1%, so pledge 1% of our time to give back to our local and global community.

The team at How Might We are content experts in Play, education and those jargony “innovation methods” we mentioned. Every year we partner with not-for-profits that are changing people's lives and our society. Once we’ve co-created and refined a program, the team at How Might We go on their merry way to help another not-for-profit or for-profit like Kathy’s.

We are also open-sourcing the Playful Designers program to global not-for-profits and for-profits that make a difference in the lives of children on the autism spectrum and with neurodiverse backgrounds or related social and communication difficulties.

The team at How Might We like to consider open source as….. Free Play